I.-For the application of articles L. 2334-7, L. 2531-13, L. 3334-3 and L. 3335-4, the share of actual operating revenue and actual operating expenditure taken into account for the City of Paris are defined by decree in the Conseil d’Etat.
For the application of articles L. 2334-4, L. 2334-5, L. 2336-2, L. 3334-6 and L. 3335-2 as well as article L. 5211-29, the share of property tax revenue on built-up properties taken into account for the City of Paris is defined by decree of the Conseil d’Etat.
II.-.For the application of Article L. 2334-4 with regard to revenues collected by the City of Paris:
1° 1° bis is worded as follows:
“1° bis La fraction du produit net de la taxe sur la valeur ajoutée prévue au D du V de l’article 16 de la loi n° 2019-1479 du 28 décembre 2019 de finances pour 2020 perçue par la Ville de Paris l’année précédente;”
2° 1° ter is worded as follows:
“1° ter The product, multiplied by 56.68%, determined by applying the average national municipal tax rate for this tax to the municipal tax bases for property tax on built-up properties;”.
III -For the application of article L. 2334-5 with regard to the City of Paris, b and c of 2° are replaced by a paragraph worded as follows:
” b) The product, multiplied by the average national rate of tax on built-up property
“(b) The product, multiplied by 54.5%, determined by applying the average national municipal tax rate for this tax to the municipal tax bases for property tax on built-up properties. “
IV -For the application of article L. 3334-6 with regard to the revenues collected by the City of Paris, 1° is worded as follows:
“1° The revenue, multiplied by the average national municipal tax rate for this tax.
“1° The revenue, multiplied by 43.32%, determined by applying the average national municipal tax rate for this tax to the municipal tax bases for property tax on built-up properties;
V.- (Repealed)
V.- (Repealed).