In communes where the State police force has been instituted, the mayor remains vested with the police powers conferred on municipal administrations by article L. 2542-2 for all matters relating to 1°, 2° for all matters relating to neighbourhood noise, 4°, 6° and 7° of article L. 2212-2 as well as:
1° The method of transporting deceased persons, burials and exhumations, the maintenance of good order and decency in cemeteries ;
2° The care of preventing, by suitable precautions, and that of putting a stop to, by the distribution of the necessary aid, accidents and calamitous plagues, such as fires, floods, epidemic or contagious diseases, epizootics, by provoking, if necessary, the intervention of the State representative in the department.
The mayor is also responsible for maintaining good order at fairs, markets, public celebrations and ceremonies, shows, games, cafés, churches and other public places.