Without prejudice to the powers of the representative of the State in the department by virtue of 9° of Article 2 of Section III of the Decree of 22 December 1789, the police matters entrusted to the vigilance and authority of the mayor are those determined in 1°, 3°, 4°, 6° and 7° of Article L. 2212-2.
The mayor is also responsible for:
1° De réprimer les délits contre la tranquillité publique, tels que les rixes et disputes accompagnées d’ameutement dans les rues, le tumulte excité dans les lieux d’assemblée publique, les bruits, y compris les bruits de voisinage, et attroupements nocturnes qui troublent le repos des citoyens ;
2° To prevent by suitable precautions, and that of putting a stop, by the distribution of the necessary help, to accidents and calamitous plagues, such as fires, epidemics, epizootics, also provoking, in these last two cases, the intervention of the higher administration.