I.-When implementing a resolution measure in respect of a person referred to in Article L. 311-1, the College of Resolution shall ensure the continuity of the critical functions resulting from the activity of this person, avoid or reduce the negative effects on financial stability, protect the resources of the State from recourse to exceptional public financial aid and protect the rights of policyholders, subscribers, members and beneficiaries of guarantees.
The collège de résolution ensures a fair balance between these objectives, depending on the nature and circumstances of each situation and person concerned.
II – When taking a resolution measure, the College of Resolution shall ensure that it is implemented without prejudice to the rules of ordinary law concerning the civil and criminal liability of natural or legal persons.
III – Where the person subject to resolution proceedings is part of a group referred to in the second and third paragraphs of Article L. 356-2, the resolution college shall implement the resolution measures in such a way as to minimise their impact on the other entities of the group and on the group as a whole.
IV -Where the collège de résolution implements one or more of the resolution measures having the effect of replacing employers, the provisions of the first paragraph of Article L. 1224-2 of the Code du travail are not applicable.
V.-When the implementation of a resolution measure has not given rise to prior information or consultation of the works council under the conditions set out in article L. 2323-2 of the Labour Code, this body is convened by the employer as soon as possible.