Vaccination policy is drawn up by the Minister of Health, who lays down the conditions for immunisation, sets out the necessary recommendations and publishes the vaccination calendar after obtaining the opinion of the Haute Autorité de Santé (French Health Authority).
A decree may, in the light of changes in the epidemiological situation and medical and scientific knowledge, suspend the obligations set out in articles L. 3111-2 to L. 3111-4, L. 3111-6 and L. 3112-1 for all or part of the population.
As part of their duties, occupational health doctors, doctors working in the infirmaries of local public teaching establishments and in the preventive medicine and health promotion departments of higher education establishments, doctors working in maternal and child protection departments and other health services run by departmental councils or municipalities and doctors working in centres providing the free health examinations provided for in article L. 321-3 of the Social Security Code participate in the implementation of vaccination policy.