I.-Changes to the territorial boundaries of cantons and the creation and deletion of cantons are decided by decree in the Conseil d’Etat after consultation with the departmental council, which gives its opinion within six weeks of the matter being referred to it. On expiry of this period, its opinion is deemed to have been given.
II.-The status of chef-lieu de canton is maintained for communes that lose it as part of a modification to the territorial boundaries of the cantons, as provided for in I, until the next general renewal of the departmental councils.
III.-The modification of the territorial boundaries of the cantons carried out in application of I complies with the following rules:
a) The territory of each canton is defined on essentially demographic bases;
b) The territory of each canton is continuous;
c) Any commune with less than 3,500 inhabitants is entirely included in the same canton;
IV.-Exceptions of limited scope, specially justified, on a case-by-case basis, by geographical considerations; or by other imperatives in the general interest, shall be made only to the rules set out in III.