Article L3111-1 of the French General Code of Local Authorities
The change of name of a department is decided by decree in the Council of State at the request of the departmental council.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French General Code of Local Authorities | Legislative part | PART THREE: THE DEPARTMENT | BOOK I: ORGANISATION OF THE DEPARTMENT
The change of name of a department is decided by decree in the Council of State at the request of the departmental council.
The territorial boundaries of the départements are modified by law after consultation with the departmental councils concerned, the Conseil d’Etat being heard. However, where the departmental councils agree on the changes envisaged, these are decided by decree in the Conseil d’Etat.
The transfer of the chief town of a department is decided by decree in the Conseil d’Etat, after consultation with the departmental council of the municipal councils of the commune where the chief town is located and the commune where the transfer of the chief town is envisaged.
Creations and deletions of arrondissements are decided by decree after consultation with the departmental council. Changes to the territorial boundaries of arrondissements are decided by the representative of the State in the region, after consultation with the departmental council. The transfer of the principal town of an arrondissement is decided by decree, after consultation with the departmental council and the municipal councils of the commune in which the principal town…
I.-Changes to the territorial boundaries of cantons and the creation and deletion of cantons are decided by decree in the Conseil d’Etat after consultation with the departmental council, which gives its opinion within six weeks of the matter being referred to it. On expiry of this period, its opinion is deemed to have been given. II.-The status of chef-lieu de canton is maintained for communes that lose it as part…
I. – Several départements in the same region forming a single territory may, by joint decision of their departmental councils, adopted by a majority of three-fifths of the votes cast, request to be grouped together to form a single département. The opinion of the relevant Comité de Massif is required if one of the departments concerned includes mountain areas within the meaning of article 3 of law no. 85-30 of…
In each department there is a departmental council that represents the population and the territories that make it up.
The composition of departmental councils and the term of office of councillors are governed by the provisions of articles L. 191and L. 192 of the electoral code.
When a departmental councillor tenders his resignation, he sends it to the president of the departmental council, who immediately notifies the representative of the State in the department. .
Any member of a departmental council who, without a valid excuse, has refused to carry out one of the duties devolved upon him by the laws shall be declared to have resigned by the administrative court. The refusal results either from an express declaration addressed to whom it may concern or made public by its author, or from persistent abstention after warning from the convening authority. A member who resigns…
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