A departmental councillor who holds other electoral mandates or who sits in this capacity on the board of directors of a local public establishment, the national centre for the territorial civil service, the board of directors or supervisory board of a company or who chairs a company may not receive, for all their duties, a total amount of remuneration and allowances exceeding one and a half times the amount of the parliamentary allowance as defined in Article 1 of the Order no. 58-1210 of 13 December 1958 on the Organic Law on the Allowances of Members of Parliament. This ceiling is net of compulsory social security contributions.
When, in application of the provisions of the previous paragraph, the total amount of a departmental councillor’s remuneration and functional allowance is subject to a capping, the capped portion is paid back to the budget of the public body within which the departmental councillor most recently held a mandate or function.