I. – Several départements in the same region forming a single territory may, by joint decision of their departmental councils, adopted by a majority of three-fifths of the votes cast, request to be grouped together to form a single département. The opinion of the relevant Comité de Massif is required if one of the departments concerned includes mountain areas within the meaning of article 3 of law no. 85-30 of 9 January 1985 on the development and protection of mountain areas. Its opinion is deemed to be favourable if it has not given its opinion by the end of a period of four months following notification by the State representative of the deliberations of the departmental councils concerned.
As an exception to articles L. 3121-9 and L. 3121-10, the request for the grouping of départements provided for in the first paragraph is placed on the agenda of the departmental council on the initiative of at least 10% of its members.
II. (repealed)
III. – The merger is decided by decree in the Conseil d’Etat.