Any advertising, regardless of the medium, relating to one of the transactions mentioned in article L. 312-1 and indicates an interest rate or figures relating to the cost of credit clearly, precisely and visibly mentions the following information using a representative example:
1° The borrowing rate and whether it is fixed, variable or reviewable, except in the case of hire-purchase or hire-purchase transactions, and information relating to all charges included in the total cost of credit to the borrower;
2° The total amount of credit;
3° The annual percentage rate of charge, except for hire-purchase or hire-purchase transactions with a purchase option;
4° Where applicable, the duration of the credit agreement;
5° In the case of credit granted in the form of a payment period for a given good or service, the cash price and the amount of any deposit;
6° The total amount owed by the borrower and the amount of the instalments.
If the creditor requires an ancillary service to be provided in order to obtain the credit, in particular insurance, the advertisement must state clearly, precisely and visibly the need to take out this service.