I.- Measures aimed at quarantining people likely to be affected may only apply to people who, having stayed in an area where the infection is circulating during the previous month, enter French territory, arrive in Corsica or one of the collectivities mentioned in article 72-3 of the Constitution. The list of areas where the infection is circulating is drawn up by order of the Minister for Health. It is regularly publicised throughout the duration of the health threat. Measures aimed at placing and keeping affected persons in isolation may only be applied to persons who have undergone virological screening or any medical examination concluding that they are contaminated.
For the sole purpose of ensuring the implementation of the measures mentioned in the first paragraph of this I, rail, sea or air transport companies shall communicate to the representative of the State in the département who so requests, passenger data relating to the journeys mentioned in the same first paragraph, under the conditions laid down in Article L. 232-4 of the Internal Security Code.
Quarantine, placement and isolation measures may be carried out, at the choice of the persons concerned, at their home or in another place of accommodation. The representative of the State in the département may object to the choice of the place made by the person concerned if it appears that this place does not meet the requirements aimed at guaranteeing the effectiveness of these measures and enabling their application to be monitored. In this case, the representative of the State in the département will determine the place where they are to be carried out.
Their initial duration may not exceed fourteen days. The measures may be renewed, under the conditions set out in II of article L. 3131-13 of this code, for a maximum period of one month. Placement and solitary confinement measures shall be terminated before their expiry date if the person’s state of health so permits.
As part of quarantine, placement and solitary confinement measures, the person concerned may be required to :
1° Not to leave their home or the accommodation in which they are being held, subject to travel specifically authorised by the administrative authority. If the person is placed in complete isolation, he/she will be guaranteed access to essential goods and services as well as telephone and electronic communications enabling him/her to communicate freely with the outside world;
2° Not to frequent certain places or categories of places.
Persons and children who are victims of the violence referred to in article 515-9 of the Civil Code may not be quarantined, placed or kept in isolation in the same home or place of accommodation as the perpetrator of the violence, or be made to cohabit when the perpetrator is quarantined, placed or kept in isolation, even if the violence is alleged. If the perpetrator of the violence cannot be evicted from the marital home, or pending a court decision ruling on the alleged acts of violence and, where applicable, providing for such eviction, they will be rehoused in suitable accommodation. When a decision to quarantine, place or keep a person in isolation is likely to endanger one or more persons, the Prefect shall immediately inform the Public Prosecutor.
The conditions for the application of this I shall be laid down by decree, depending on the nature and means of propagation of the virus, after obtaining the opinion of the Haute Autorité de santé. This decree also specifies the conditions under which the person who is the subject of these measures is to be regularly informed, family life is to continue, the situation of minors is to be taken into account, the medical monitoring that accompanies these measures and the characteristics of the accommodation.
II – The measures prescribed in application of this article are strictly proportionate to the health risks incurred and appropriate to the circumstances of time and place. They shall be terminated immediately if they are no longer necessary.