In the event of an exceptional health situation or any event likely to involve a large number of victims, particularly mass casualties, the information strictly necessary to identify the victims and monitor their progress, in particular to cover their healthcare costs, is collected in a unique victim identification system.
The health establishments which have taken charge of or received the victims, including within the framework of emergency medical assistance or first aid services and medical-psychological emergency units, and the first aid services record the personal data relating to the victims in the information system mentioned in the first paragraph and transmit it, with the aim of ensuring the management of the event and the follow-up of the victims, to the agents designated within the regional health agencies and the competent ministries.
A decree in the Conseil d’Etat, issued after consultation with the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés, specifies the nature of the data collected and sets the terms and conditions of this transmission in compliance with the rules guaranteeing the protection of privacy.