I.-The request to delimit or modify the zones defined in articles L. 3132-25 and L. 3132-25-1 is made by the mayor or, after consultation with the mayors concerned, by the president of the public establishment for inter-communal cooperation with its own tax system, where this exists and the perimeter of the zone concerned exceeds the territory of a single municipality.
The request to delimit or modify these zones is sent to the representative of the State in the region. Reasons must be given for the request, which must include an impact study justifying, in particular, the appropriateness of creating or modifying the zone.
II – The zones mentioned in I are defined or modified by the representative of the State in the region after obtaining the opinion of :
1° The municipal councils of the municipalities whose territory is concerned ;
2° The professional employers’ and employees’ organisations concerned; and
3° The deliberative body of the public establishments for inter-communal cooperation with their own tax system, of which the municipalities whose territory is concerned are members;
4° The departmental tourism committee, for the tourist areas referred to in article L. 3132-25 ;
5° The Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Chamber of Trades and Crafts, for the commercial zones mentioned in article L. 3132-25-1.
The opinion of these bodies is deemed to have been given at the end of a period of two months from the date of referral in the case of a request to delimit a zone and one month in the case of a request to modify an existing zone.
III – The representative of the State in the region must give a ruling within six months on the request for delimitation submitted to him. He must rule within three months on a request to modify a zone.