Young workers are entitled to two consecutive days off per week.
Where justified by the particular characteristics of the activity, a company or establishment agreement or, failing that, an extended collective labour agreement may define the conditions under which derogations may be made to the provisions of the first paragraph for young people released from compulsory schooling, provided that they benefit from a minimum rest period of thirty-six consecutive hours.
In the absence of an agreement, a Conseil d’Etat decree defines the conditions under which this derogation may be granted by the labour inspector.
A company or establishment agreement or, failing that, an extended collective labour agreement may define the conditions under which the first paragraph may be waived for young workers under the age of sixteen employed by an entertainment company, provided that they benefit from a minimum rest period of thirty-six hours, including at least twenty-four consecutive hours, and that their participation in a rehearsal or performance is such as to contribute to their development and is carried out under conditions guaranteeing the preservation of their health.
In the absence of an agreement and if the conditions mentioned in the penultimate paragraph of this article are met, this derogation may be granted by the Labour Inspector, after obtaining the opinion of the committee responsible for granting the authorisations mentioned in article L. 7124-1.