The provisions of this Title apply to intermediaries within the meaning of 5° of Article L. 311-1.
They are not applicable:
1° To members of the regulated legal and judicial professions;
2° To natural or legal persons who engage in the transactions mentioned in article L. 322-1 of this code as part of their conciliation mission instituted by the provisions of chapitre 1er du titre I du livre VI du code de commerce relatives à la prévention des difficultés des entreprises, du mandat ad hoc et de la procédure de conciliation ;
3° Aux experts nommés par le tribunal, mentionnés à l’article L. 627-3 of the Commercial Code, who engage in the operations mentioned in Article L. 322-1 of this Code;
4° To the natural persons mentioned in the second paragraph of Article in the second paragraph of Article L. 811-2 of the Commercial Code, in the context of the mission entrusted to them by a court decision.