In an emergency, where there is a serious risk of harm to the patient, the director of an establishment mentioned in article L. 3222-1 may, exceptionally, at the request of a third party, admit a patient to psychiatric care on the basis of a single medical certificate issued, where applicable, by a doctor practising in the establishment. In this case, the medical certificates mentioned in the second and third paragraphs of article L. 3211-2-2 are drawn up by two separate psychiatrists.
Prior to admission, the director of the host establishment checks that the request for care has been drawn up in accordance with 1° of II of article L. 3212-1 and ascertains the identity of the patient and the person requesting care. If the request is made on behalf of an adult protected by the person responsible for a legal protection measure, the latter must provide, in support of his/her request, the future protection mandate endorsed by the court clerk or an extract from the judgment instituting the protection measure.