When one of the two medical certificates mentioned in the second and third paragraphs of article L. 3211-2-2 concludes that the person’s condition no longer justifies the care measure, the director of the host establishment immediately orders the measure to be lifted.
If the two medical certificates conclude that it is necessary to continue the care, the director of the establishment decides to continue the care for a period of one month, using the form of care proposed by the psychiatrist in application of the same article L. 3211-2-2. Where appropriate, the decision is accompanied by the care programme drawn up by the psychiatrist.
Pending the decision of the director of the institution, the patient is cared for in the form of full hospitalisation.
When the psychiatrist involved in the patient’s care proposes to modify the form of care, the director of the institution is obliged to modify it on the basis of the medical certificate or opinion referred to in article L. 3211-11.