1° 25% of sums from private copy levies;
2° All sums collected pursuant to Articles L. 122-10, L. 132-20-1, L. 214-1, L. 217-2 and L. 311-1 and which could not be distributed either pursuant to international conventions to which France is a party, or because their recipients could not be identified or found before the expiry of the period provided for in Article L. 324-16.
They may use for these actions all or part of the sums referred to in 2° from the end of the third year following the date on which they were distributed, without prejudice to claims for payment of rights that are not time-barred.
The distribution of the corresponding sums, which may not benefit a single person, is subject to a vote by the general meeting of the collective management organisation, which decides by a two-thirds majority. In the absence of such a majority, a new general meeting, convened specifically for this purpose, shall decide by a simple majority.
Aid for the development of artistic and cultural education refers to assistance provided by authors or performers to the actions mentioned in 9° of Article 3 of Law 2016-925 of 7 July 2016 on the freedom of creation, architecture and heritage.