With due respect for the rights of the parties, the Autorité de Régulation de la Communication Audiovisuelle et Numérique shall promote or encourage a conciliatory solution. Where it draws up a conciliation report, it shall be enforceable; it shall be filed with the registry of the judicial court.
Failing conciliation within two months of its referral, the authority, after giving the interested parties the opportunity to present their observations, shall issue a reasoned decision rejecting the request or issue an injunction prescribing, if necessary under a penalty payment, the appropriate measures to ensure the effective benefit of the exception. The fine imposed by the authority is paid by the authority itself. From the date of referral, the authority has four months, which may be extended once for a period of two months, to reach its decision.
These decisions and the conciliation report are made public, with due respect for the confidentiality protected by law. They are notified to the parties, who may lodge an appeal with the Paris Court of Appeal. The appeal has suspensive effect.