In companies employing at least one employee and less than two hundred and fifty employees, the following may benefit from the provisions of this Title:
1° The managers of these companies ;
2° The chairmen, general managers, managing directors or members of the management board in the case of legal entities;
3° The spouse or partner under a civil solidarity pact of the head of the company if they have the status of collaborating spouse or associate spouse mentioned inarticle L. 121-4 of the Commercial Code or article L. 321-5 of the Rural and Maritime Fishing Code.
However, a profit-sharing agreement may not be concluded in a company where the workforce is limited to one employee if the latter is also the chairman, managing director, manager or member of the management board.
Notwithstanding the penultimate paragraph of article L. 3311-1 of this Code, II of article L. 130-1 of the Social Security Code does not apply when the threshold of one employee is crossed.