The profit-sharing agreement is filed with the competent administrative authority within a period and in accordance with procedures determined by regulation.
If none of the bodies mentioned in articles L. 213-1 and L. 752-4 of the Social Security Code or inarticle L. 723-3 of the Rural and Maritime Fishing Code has commented by the end of the period provided for in the first paragraph of article L. 3345-2 of this code, the exemptions provided for in articles L. 3312-4 and L. 3315-1 to L. 3315-3 are deemed to have been granted for the current financial year.
The body mentioned in the second paragraph of this article has an additional period of two months from the expiry of the period provided for in the first paragraph of article L. 3345-2 to formulate, if necessary, requests for the withdrawal or modification of clauses contrary to the legal provisions so that the company can bring the agreement into compliance with the provisions in force for the financial years following that of filing. If this body has not made such requests within this new deadline, the exemptions provided for in articles L. 3312-4 and L. 3315-1 to L. 3315-3 are deemed to have been granted for subsequent financial years.
A decree of the Conseil d’Etat sets the conditions under which, when the agreement has been drawn up using a dematerialised procedure enabling its compliance with the legal provisions in force to be verified beforehand, the exemptions provided for in the same articles L. 3312-4 and L. 3315-1 to L. 3315-3 are deemed to have been acquired for the duration of the said agreement as from its filing under the conditions provided for in the first paragraph of this article.