When a beneficiary has subscribed to a company savings plan mentioned in Title III and allocates all or part of the sums allocated to him by the company under the profit-sharing scheme within a period specified by regulation, these sums are exempt from income tax up to an amount equal to three quarters of the average annual ceiling used to calculate social security contributions.
When the employee and, where applicable, the beneficiary referred to in 1° of article L. 3312-3 do not request the payment, in whole or in part, of the sums allocated to them under the profit-sharing scheme, nor their allocation to the plan provided for in the first paragraph of this article, their share of the profit-sharing scheme is allocated to it under the conditions provided for by the agreement referred to in article L. 3312-5. This agreement specifies how the employee is to be informed of this allocation. If the agreement does not specify this, the terms and conditions are determined by decree.