I.-The national platform for combating the manipulation of sporting competitions is responsible for :
1° Serve as a centre for gathering, collating and sharing information and documents that are useful in the fight against the manipulation of sporting competitions by, where appropriate, forwarding them to the competent authorities and sporting organisations;
2° Promote cooperation with the national and international players involved in the prevention, detection and suppression of the manipulation of sporting competitions, in particular through the exchange of information between them;
3° Raise awareness of the issue of the manipulation of sporting competitions among those involved in sport.
II.The platform mentioned in I is chaired by the Minister for Sport.
III.-As part of the task of monitoring gambling operations conferred upon it by Article 34 of Law No. 2010-476 of 12 May 2010 relating to the opening up to competition and the regulation of the online gambling sector, the National Gaming Authority shall receive, centralise and analyse, for the platform referred to in this Article, reports relating to atypical and suspicious bets taken on sporting competitions organised or open to betting on French territory.
IV – A decree in the Conseil d’Etat shall determine the composition and operation of the platform.