Natural persons guilty of the offences provided for in the second paragraph of article L. 3421-1 and in article L. 3421-6 are also liable to the following additional penalties:
1° Suspension for a maximum of three years of the driving licence or driving permit for French motorised pleasure boats at sea and on inland waters; this suspension may not be limited to driving outside the scope of professional activity; it may not be suspended, even partially;
2° Cancellation of the driving licence or driving permit for French motorised pleasure craft at sea and on inland waters, with a ban on applying for a new licence or driving permit for a maximum of three years;
3° Community service under the terms of article 131-8 of the Criminal Code and in accordance with the conditions set out in articles 131-22 to 131-24 of the same Code;
4° A penalty of days’ fine under the conditions set out in articles 131-5 and 131-25 of the Criminal Code;
5° A ban, either definitive or for a maximum of five years, on practising a profession relating to transport;
6° A ban on driving certain land-based motor vehicles, including those for which a driving licence is not required, for a maximum of five years;
7° An obligation to complete, at their own expense, a road safety awareness course;
8° The obligation to complete, at their own expense, a course to raise awareness of the dangers of using narcotics.