I.-Title II of Book I of this Part, with the exception of Article L. 3121-5, shall apply to the Wallis and Futuna Islands subject to the adaptations provided for in this Article.
Chapter I of Title II of Book I of this Part shall apply to Wallis and Futuna in the version resulting from Law No. 2016-41 of 26 January 2016, subject to the adaptations provided for in this article.
II.-For the application of Article L. 3121-2 :
1° The first paragraph of I is worded as follows:
“I.-The Wallis and Futuna Health Agency may include a free information, screening and diagnosis centre which provides:” ;
2° III and IV are replaced by a III worded as follows:
“III – A decree sets out the terms and conditions for the application of this article. “
III.-For the application of Article L. 3121-2-2, 2° and 3° are deleted.