I. – Agents of the Centre national du cinéma et de l’image animée, commissioned for this purpose and sworn in under conditions determined by decree by the Conseil d’Etat, are responsible for carrying out the necessary checks to verify compliance with the obligations resulting from the provisions of this code, with the exception of Chapters V and VI of Title I of Book I.
They are also responsible for investigating and recording breaches and, in conjunction with the officers and agents of the judicial police, infringements of these provisions.
II. – These same commissioned and sworn agents may also be commissioned to carry out any investigation enabling the Centre national du cinéma et de l’image animée to carry out the observation mission provided for in 1° of Article L. 111-2. Within this framework, they have the means of access provided for in article L. 412-1. Interested parties shall be given prior notice of the purpose of the visit. The date on which the officers will visit the premises shall be agreed with them.
No inspection mentioned in I may take place during this visit. The report may not assess compliance by a named or easily identifiable natural or legal person with the obligations mentioned in I. The information gathered in the course of the investigation may not be used to draw up a report of non-compliance.