I.-The provisions of Articles L. 420-1 and L. 420-2 practices:
1° Which result from the application of a legislative text or a regulatory text adopted for its application;
2° Whose authors can justify that they have the effect of ensuring economic progress, including the creation or maintenance of jobs, and that they reserve for users a fair share of the resulting profit, without giving the undertakings concerned the possibility of eliminating competition in respect of a substantial part of the products in question. Such practices, which may consist in organising, for agricultural products or products of agricultural origin, under the same brand or trade name, production volumes and quality and commercial policy, including by agreeing a common transfer price, must impose restrictions on competition only to the extent that they are indispensable to achieving this objective of progress.
II.-Certain categories of agreements or certain agreements, in particular where their purpose is to improve the management of medium-sized or small undertakings, may be recognised as satisfying these conditions by decree issued after the Competition Authority has given its assent.
III.-The provisions of Articles L. 420-2-1 and L. 420-2-2 do not apply to agreements or practices whose authors can justify that they are based on objective grounds of economic efficiency and which reserve for consumers a fair share of the resulting benefit.
Certain categories of agreements or practices, certain agreements or certain practices, in particular when their purpose is to promote the appearance of a new service, may be recognised as satisfying the conditions mentioned in the first paragraph of this III, by joint order of the ministers responsible for the economy and for transport, issued after the Competition Authority has given its assent and for a period of not more than five years.