Within two months of receipt of the request for recovery assistance formulated in application of article 706-15-1 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, the guarantee fund grants the civil party full payment of damages and sums awarded in application of articles 375 or 475-1 of the same code if their total amount is less than or equal to 1,000 euros.
If the total amount of damages and sums awarded in application of articles 375 or 475-1 of the same code is greater than 1,000 euros, the fund will award, within the same timeframe, a provision corresponding to 30% of the amount of said damages and sums, up to a maximum of 3,000 euros. However, the amount of this provision may not be less than 1,000 euros.
The guarantee fund is subrogated to the victim’s rights under the conditions set out in the first paragraph of article 706-11 of the same code. For sums to be recovered in excess of the advance paid, the guarantee fund has a mandate.