The regional council is composed of :
1° A professor or senior lecturer of pharmacy training and research units, pharmacists, representing each pharmacy training and research unit in the region, appointed for six years by the rector of the academic region, after consulting the director of each of these units;
2° A pharmacist public health inspector representing, in an advisory capacity, the director general of the regional health agency; for the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur and Corsica regional council, two pharmacist public health inspectors representing, in an advisory capacity, the two directors general of the regional health agencies concerned;
3° One pair of pharmacists per department, elected for a six-year term by the pharmacists holding a dispensary in each department and one additional pair for each four hundred pharmacists holding a dispensary on the roll.
The regional council elects from among its members an executive committee consisting of at least four members, including a chairman, a vice-chairman and a treasurer.
Board members are elected for three years. They may be re-elected.
The Executive Committee prepares and implements the decisions of the Regional Council. It deals with urgent matters between sessions. The decisions it takes on urgent matters are reported to the next session of the Regional Council.
The seat of the Regional Council is located in the département in which the Regional Health Agency has its registered office.