It is forbidden:
1° To issue a registered designation of origin without satisfying the conditions laid down in article L. 642-3 du code rural et de la pêche maritime;
2° To issue a registered designation of origin that has not been subject to the approval provided for in the article L. 641-7 du code rural et de la pêche maritime;
3° Fraudulently using or attempting to use a designation of origin or geographical indication defined in article L. 721-2 du code de la propriété intellectuelle;
4° Apposer ou de faire apparaître, par addition, retranchement ou par une altération quelconque, sur des produits, naturels ou fabriqués, mis en vente ou destinés à être mis en vente, une appellation d’origine ou une indication géographique définie à l’article L. 721-2 of the Intellectual Property Code, knowing it to be inaccurate;
5° To make people believe or try to make them believe that a product benefits from a designation of origin or a geographical indication defined in the same article L. 721-2;
6° To make people believe or attempt to make people believe that a product with a designation of origin or a geographical indication defined in the same Article L. 721-2 is guaranteed by the State or by a public body;
7° To mention on a product the presence in its composition of another product benefiting from a designation of origin or a geographical indication when this mention misappropriates or weakens the reputation of the designation or indication concerned.