I. – The Regional or Inter-Regional Council, under the supervision of the National Council, fulfils, at regional level, the general responsibilities of the Order as defined in article L. 4321-14.
It is consulted by the Director General of the Regional Health Agency on issues and projects falling within its remit.
In the regions or inter-regions, it exercises the powers referred to in article L. 4112-4.
It may decide to temporarily suspend the right to practise in the event of the professional’s infirmity or pathological condition making it dangerous to practise his profession, as well as temporarily suspend, in whole or in part, the right to practise in the event of professional inadequacy making it dangerous to practise his profession.
In the matters listed in the two preceding paragraphs, the Council may act in a restricted formation.
The Regional Council authorises its Chairman to institute legal proceedings.
It may, before all courts, exercise all the rights reserved to civil parties in relation to acts directly or indirectly prejudicial to the collective interest of the profession of masseur-physiotherapist, including in the case of threats or violence committed because of membership of this profession.
The deliberations of the regional or inter-regional council are not public.
II. – Decisions by the regional or inter-regional councils regarding registration on the roll and temporary suspension of the right to practise in the event of infirmity or pathological condition, or total or partial temporary suspension of the right to practise in the event of professional inadequacy making it dangerous to practise the profession, may be the subject of a hierarchical appeal to the Conseil national. The National Council may delegate its powers to a select committee, which shall make decisions on its behalf.
III. – The regional or inter-regional council is made up of full members and an equal number of substitute members, elected by the full members of the departmental councils of the region or inter-region from among the masseur-physiotherapists registered on their roll and who meet the conditions set out in article L. 4321-18-1.
The national councillors also participate in an advisory capacity in the deliberations of the regional or inter-regional council from which they come.
IV. – When, through their own actions, the members of a regional or inter-regional council make it impossible for it to function, the director general of the regional health agency, on a proposal from the National Council of the Order, may, by order, dissolve the regional or inter-regional council. In the event of the dissolution of the regional council or in the event of the resignation of all its members, the Director General appoints, on the proposal of the National Council of the Order, a delegation of three to five members, depending on the numerical size of the dissolved council. Until the election of a new Council organised without delay by the National Council, this delegation manages the day-to-day business as well as the functions attributed to the Council by the fourth and fifth paragraphs of I of this article.
In the event of the resignation of the majority of the members of this delegation, it shall be dissolved ipso jure and, until the new Council takes office, its functions shall devolve to the National Council.