Owners of trade marks for goods or services may object to advertising texts relating by name to their trade mark being disseminated where the use of that trade mark is intended to mislead the consumer or is made in bad faith.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French Consumer Code | New legislative part | Book IV: CONFORMITY AND SAFETY OF PRODUCTS AND SERVICES | Title III: DEVELOPMENT OF PRODUCTS AND SERVICES | Chapter III: Certification of conformity | Section 2: Services and products other than agricultural, forestry, food or seafood products | Article L433-11 of the French Consumer Code
Owners of trade marks for goods or services may object to advertising texts relating by name to their trade mark being disseminated where the use of that trade mark is intended to mislead the consumer or is made in bad faith.
Les propriétaires de marques de produits ou de services peuvent s’opposer à ce que des textes publicitaires concernant nommément leur marque soient diffusés lorsque l’utilisation de cette marque vise à tromper le consommateur ou qu’elle est faite de mauvaise foi.
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