It is prohibited:
1° To issue a certificate of conformity without satisfying the conditions set out in article L. 641-23 du code rural et de la pêche maritime ;
2° De délivrer un certificat de conformité en méconnaissance de l’article L. 641-21 du code rural et de la pêche maritime;
3° Using or attempting to use a certificate of conformity fraudulently;
4° Affixing or causing to appear, by addition, deletion or by any alteration whatsoever, on products, natural or manufactured, offered for sale or intended to be offered for sale, a certificate of conformity in the knowledge that it is inaccurate;
5° Using a method of presentation that leads to the belief or is likely to lead to the belief that a product benefits from a certificate of conformity;
6° Leading to the belief or attempting to lead to the belief that a product with a certificate of conformity is guaranteed by the State or by a public body;
7° Taking advantage of the commitment to a certification process without this having been registered in accordance with the article L. 641-22 du code rural et de la pêche maritime.