The provisions of articles L. 433-3 to L. 433-7 are not applicable:
1° To the certification of agricultural, forestry, food or sea products;
2° To marketing authorisations for medicinal products for human or veterinary use covered by provisions of Part V of the Public Health Code ;
3° To the issue of hallmarks, stamps, visas, homologation certificates, guarantee marks or attestations of conformity with European provisions by the public authority or by bodies designated for this purpose and subject to technical or administrative control by the public authority by virtue of legislative or regulatory provisions;
4° To the issue of labels or marks provided for by the article L. 2134-1 of the French Labour Code as well as craftsman and master craftsman marks provided that these marks are intended solely to attest to the origin of a product or service and the implementation of the rules of the art and customs when they are specific to them.