The practice of speech and language therapy involves health promotion, prevention, assessment and treatment of disorders of communication, language in all its dimensions, mathematical cognition, speech, voice and oro-myofacial functions.
Speech and language therapists provide care for patients of all ages with congenital, developmental or acquired disorders.
In particular, they contribute to the development and maintenance of the patient’s autonomy and quality of life, as well as re-establishing a confident relationship with language.
The professional practice of speech and language therapists requires mastery of all aspects of language.
Speech and language therapists practise their profession on the basis of a medical prescription. They may adapt initial medical prescriptions for speech and language therapy which are less than one year old, unless otherwise indicated by the doctor, in the context of a renewal.
By way of derogation from the fifth paragraph, in the health establishments referred to in article L. 6111-1, in the social and medico-social establishments and services referred to in articles L. 312-1 and L. 344-1 of the Code de l’action sociale et des familles and within the framework of the coordinated practice structures referred to in articles L. 1411-11-1, L. 1434-12, L. 6323-1 and L. 6323-3 of this Code, speech therapists practice their art without a medical prescription. An initial assessment and a report on the treatment provided by the speech and language therapist are sent to the patient’s GP and to the patient, and are recorded in the patient’s shared medical file. Failing this, the patient will be charged for the services provided by the speech therapist.
Within the framework of the structures provided for in article L. 1434-12, the sixth paragraph of this article applies on condition that the arrangements for care and coordination without a medical prescription are included in the structure’s healthcare plan.
In the event of an emergency and in the absence of a doctor, the speech and language therapist is authorised to carry out the necessary speech and language therapy without a doctor’s prescription. A report of the assessment and of the actions carried out under these conditions is given to the doctor as soon as the speech therapist intervenes.
Unless otherwise indicated by the doctor, speech and language therapists may prescribe or renew the prescription of certain medical devices, the list of which is exhaustively determined by order of the ministers responsible for health and social security, made after consulting the Académie nationale de médecine.
Speech and language therapists practise independently and with full responsibility, in accordance with the professional rules set out in article L. 4341-9.
They make their own diagnosis and decide on the speech and language therapy to be implemented.
In the case of congenital, developmental or acquired disorders, speech and language therapists use the most appropriate techniques and skills for the assessment and treatment of speech and language disorders and participate in their coordination. They may also contribute to initial and continuing training and to research.
The definition of speech and language therapy procedures is set out in a decree issued by the Conseil d’Etat after consultation with the Académie nationale de médecine.