I.-By way of derogation from the provisions of Article L. 4371-2, the following may continue to practise the profession of dietician and use the title of dietician, whether or not accompanied by a qualifier:
1° Persons occupying a permanent dietetic post as a civil servant or public employee on the date of entry into force of Law no. 86-76 of 17 January 1986 containing various provisions of a social nature ;
2° Persons holding an administrative decision recognising that, on the same date, they fulfilled the conditions of training or professional experience giving them a qualification similar to that of holders of the diplomas mentioned in 3° and 4° ;
3° Practising professionals who hold the brevet de technicien or brevet de technicien supérieur de diététique ;
4° Practising professionals who hold a university diploma in technology, specialising in applied biology or biological engineering, dietetics option.
II.People who began training for the diplomas or qualifications mentioned in 3° and 4° of I, before the date of entry into force of the regulatory act setting the training programme for the French State Diploma in Dietetics included in article L. 4371-3, as it stood prior to Law no. 2023-379 of 19 May 2023 on improving access to healthcare through trust in healthcare professionals, may, subject to having obtained these diplomas or titles, practise the profession of dietician and use the title of dietician under conditions laid down by regulation.