A written agreement shall be drawn up, in compliance with articles L. 441-1 and L. 442-1 to L. 442-3, for any purchase of manufactured products, manufactured at the request of the purchaser with a view to being incorporated into its own production, the amount of which exceeds a threshold set by decree. It mentions the conditions agreed between the parties, in particular:
1° The purpose of the agreement and the respective obligations of the parties;
2° The price or the terms and conditions for determining it;
3° The invoicing and payment terms and conditions;
4° The respective responsibilities of the parties and the guarantees, such as, where applicable, the terms and conditions for the application of a reservation of title ;
5° The rules governing intellectual property between the parties where this is justified by the nature of the agreement;
6° The duration of the agreement and the terms and conditions for terminating it;
7° The terms and conditions for settling disputes as to the performance of the agreement and, if the parties decide to have recourse to it, the terms and conditions for setting up mediation.