Each year, the Assembly of Corsica holds two ordinary sessions of a maximum duration of three months, convened by its President. The first opens on 1st February. The second opens on 1st September. If these dates fall on a public holiday, the session opens on the first working day thereafter. Sessions are opened and closed by the President of the Assembly.
Extraordinary sessions are organised on the initiative of the President of the Executive Council or at the request of one third of the councillors to the Assembly, on a specific agenda set out in the convocation, for a duration that may not exceed two days. The same councillor to the Assembly may not present more than one request for an extraordinary session per six-month period.
In the event of exceptional circumstances, the Assembly may be convened by decree.
In the event of a vacancy in the seat of the president of the executive council of Corsica, for whatever reason, the president of the Assembly of Corsica shall convene the Assembly without delay and a new executive council shall be elected.