Immediately after the election of the President and under his chairmanship, the Assembly shall elect the members of the Standing Committee under the same quorum condition as that provided for in article L. 4422-8.
The Standing Committee is chaired by the President of the Assembly, who is an ex officio member. It also comprises fourteen councillors to the Assembly, including two vice-presidents.
Members of the Standing Committee other than the President are elected by list ballot. Each councillor or group of councillors may submit a list of candidates. Each list is composed alternately of one candidate of each sex.
Lists shall be lodged with the President within one hour of the President’s election. If, on expiry of this time limit, only one list has been lodged, the appointments shall then take effect immediately, in the order of the list, and shall be read out by the Chairman.
If this is not the case, the election is held on the basis of proportional representation with the highest average, without any combination or preferential vote, between the lists mentioned in the third paragraph. The seats are allocated to the candidates in the order of presentation on each list. If several lists have the same average for the allocation of the last seat, the seat goes to the list that has obtained the highest number of votes. In the event of a tie, the seat is awarded to the oldest candidate eligible to be declared elected. If the number of candidates on a list is less than the number of seats to which it is entitled, the seat or seats not filled shall be awarded to the next highest average or averages.
After the seats have been distributed, the Assembly shall elect the Vice-Presidents from among the members of the Standing Committee, in accordance with the rules set out in the fifth paragraph of article L. 4133-5.
In the event of a vacancy for a member of the standing committee other than the president, the vacancy or vacancies shall be filled in accordance with the procedure laid down in the third and fourth paragraphs above.
Failing this, and if only one seat is vacant, a new election is held under the same conditions as for the election of the President. If more than one seat is vacant, a new election shall be held under the conditions provided for in the fifth and sixth paragraphs above.
The members of the Standing Committee are elected for one year at the opening of the first ordinary session. The Standing Committee organises the work of the Assembly.