I. – The planning and sustainable development plan may, by a specific and reasoned deliberation of the Assembly of Corsica, set, for the application of Article L. 121-23 of the town planning code, a list of land and marine areas, sites and landscapes that are remarkable or characteristic of the natural and cultural heritage of the coastline and environments necessary for maintaining biological balances to be preserved. This deliberation takes the place of the decree provided for in the first paragraph of the same article L. 146-6. It also defines their location.
II. – The planning and sustainable development plan may also, by specific reasoned decision of the Assembly of Corsica, determine, taking into account the number of tourists visiting certain sites and the preservation of the environment, the areas located in the coastal strip defined in article L. 121-16 of the town planning code in which may be authorised, independently of the derogations provided for in article L. 121-17 of the same code and under the conditions that the plan specifies, light developments and non-permanent constructions intended for the reception of the public, excluding any form of accommodation, respecting the landscapes and characteristics specific to these sites.
The implementation of these developments and constructions is subject to a public enquiry carried out in accordance with Chapter III of Title II of Book I of the Environmental Code. A single public enquiry covering all of the planned developments and constructions may be organised provided that the enquiry file specifies the conditions for the development and management of all of the areas in question.
II bis.In communes subject simultaneously to Chapters I and II of Title II of Book I of the town planning code, article L. 121-8 of the same code does not apply in sectors, located outside the areas close to the shore, determined by the Corsican sustainable development plan and delimited by the local town planning plan. The determination of these sectors is subject to the agreement of the representative of the State in the department after obtaining the opinion of the Corsican sites council.
III. – An annual assessment report on the implementation of the provisions of this article and specifying their actual impact on the environment and sustainable development is drawn up by the Corsican territorial collectivity and sent to the Prime Minister, who forwards it to Parliament.