The territorial collectivity of Corsica finances, builds, equips and maintains collèges, lycées, public vocational education establishments, artistic education establishments, special education establishments, as well as maritime vocational lycées, agricultural education establishments mentioned in article L. 811-8 of the rural and maritime fishing code and information and guidance centres.
The territorial collectivity of Corsica provides reception, catering, accommodation as well as general and technical maintenance, with the exception of the tasks of supervising and supervising pupils, in the educational establishments for which it is responsible.
It is responsible for the recruitment, management and remuneration of technical, manual and service staff working in these establishments. These staff are members of the educational community and contribute directly to the missions of the national public education service under the conditions set out in articles L. 421-23 et L. 913-1 of the Education Code.
The second and third paragraphs of this article shall apply from 1 January 2005.
Articles 104 to 111 of the loi n° 2004-809 du 13 août 2004 relative aux libertés et responsabilités locales shall apply to the transfer of powers provided for by the three preceding paragraphs.
The Corsican territorial collectivity may delegate the management of construction, equipment and maintenance work for establishments under its jurisdiction to municipalities that request it. An agreement determines the terms and conditions of this delegation.
The State ensures that the collèges, lycées, public vocational education establishments, special education establishments, as well as maritime vocational lycées, agricultural education establishments mentioned in article L. 811-8 of the rural and maritime fishing code and to information and guidance centres, the financial resources directly linked to their teaching activity.
The real estate assets of the establishments mentioned in the first paragraph belonging to the State on the date of entry into force of law no. 2004-809 of 13 August 2004 relating to local freedoms and responsibilities are transferred to the Corsican territorial collectivity in full ownership free of charge. This transfer does not give rise to the payment of any duty, tax, contribution provided for in article 879 of the General Tax Code or fees.
The real estate of the establishments mentioned in the first paragraph belonging to a municipality or a group of municipalities may be transferred in full ownership to the Corsican regional authority, free of charge and subject to the agreement of the parties. When the Corsican territorial authority carries out construction, reconstruction or extension work on these properties, this transfer is de jure, at its request, and does not give rise to the payment of any duty, tax, contribution provided for in article 879 of the general tax code or fee.