The deficit from the operating section, the financing requirement or the surplus from the investment section are taken over in full at the earliest budgetary decision following the approval of the administrative account and, in any event, before the end of the financial year. Between the mandating deadline set in the last paragraph of article L. 1612-11 and the deadline for voting on local tax rates provided for in the article 1639 A du code général des impôts, the Assembly of Corsica may, in respect of the financial year ended and before the adoption of the administrative account, carry forward to the budget the result of the operating section, the financing requirement of the investment section or, where applicable, the surplus of the investment section together with the forecast allocation. If the administrative account shows a difference with the amounts carried forward, the Assembly of Corsica will regularise them and take back the result in the nearest budgetary decision following the vote on the administrative account and, in any event, before the end of the financial year. A decree sets out the conditions for the application of this article.