For its application in New Caledonia and French Polynesia, Article L. 4124-2 reads as follows:
“Art. L. 4124-2. – Doctors entrusted with a public service and registered on the register of New Caledonia or that of French Polynesia may only be brought before the disciplinary chamber of first instance, in respect of acts performed in their public capacity, by the representative of the State, the public prosecutor, the Conseil national de l’ordre or the body of the ordre on whose register the practitioner is registered, or by the President of the Government of New Caledonia or the President of French Polynesia.
“When the doctors mentioned in the previous paragraph exercise a supervisory function provided for by law or regulation, they may only be brought before the Disciplinary Chamber of First Instance, in respect of acts committed in the exercise of this function, by the President of the Government of New Caledonia or the President of French Polynesia, the representative of the State or the Public Prosecutor. ”