Alternate members of the Disciplinary Board replace full members who are unable to sit. If a full member ceases to hold office for any reason whatsoever, he is replaced by his alternate. A supplementary election shall then be held to appoint a new alternate member whose term of office shall end on the same date as that on which the term of office of the member to be replaced would have ended.
If it is not possible to fill the seats of full or alternate members under the conditions provided for in articles L. 4443-1 and L. 4443-2, after two elections have been held, a new election will be held for a number of members of the Disciplinary Board reduced to four full members and four alternate members.
The duties of a member of the Disciplinary Board are incompatible with those of a member of the body of the Association of Pharmacists of New Caledonia or French Polynesia.
If, by their own actions, the members of the Disciplinary Board make it impossible for the Board to function, the representative of the State in New Caledonia or French Polynesia, after consulting the National Council of the Order, shall appoint a delegation of four pharmacists. This delegation and the president of the disciplinary section carry out the functions of the disciplinary chamber until a new chamber is elected.
If the majority of the members of this delegation resign, the delegation is automatically dissolved and the Conseil national de l’ordre organises new elections within two months of the last resignation.
At the time of the first elections or in the event of new elections as provided for in the third or fourth paragraph of this article, lots will be drawn to determine those members of the Disciplinary Board whose term of office expires within three or six years.