When several natural persons, identified in their capacity as investors, have suffered individual losses which have been caused by the act of the same person and which have a common origin, any association mentioned in article L. 452-1 may, if it has been mandated by at least two of the investors concerned, bring an action for compensation before any court, on behalf of these investors.
The mandate may not be requested by means of a televised or radio public appeal, nor by means of posters, leaflets or personalised letters. It must be given in writing by each investor.
However, when an association approved pursuant to the third paragraph of article L. 452-1 brings an action for damages before the civil or commercial courts, the president of the judicial court or the president of the commercial court, as the case may be, may, by summary order, authorise it to seek a mandate from shareholders to act on their behalf by using, at its own expense, the means of publicity mentioned in the previous paragraph.
Without prejudice to the provisions of articles L. 612-1 to L. 612-5 of the French Commercial Code, the associations referred to in the previous paragraph shall draw up a balance sheet, profit and loss account and notes to the accounts each year, the procedures for which shall be specified by decree and which shall be approved by the members’ meeting. When the association submits an application in application of the previous paragraph, it sends these documents to the president of the court.