I. – The Competition Authority is an independent administrative authority. It ensures that competition operates freely. It contributes to the competitive operation of markets at European and international level.
II. – The powers entrusted to the Competition Authority are exercised by a college composed of seventeen members, including a chairman, appointed for a term of five years by decree issued on the report of the Minister responsible for the economy.
The chairman is appointed by decree of the President of the Republic on the basis of his expertise in the legal and economic fields.
The college also includes:
1° Six members or former members of the Conseil d’Etat, the Cour de cassation, the Cour des comptes or other administrative or judicial jurisdictions;
2° Five personalities chosen for their expertise in economic matters or in competition and consumer affairs;
3° Five personalities exercising or having exercised their activities in the production, distribution, craft, services or liberal professions sectors.
The members mentioned in 1°, on the one hand, and the members mentioned in 2° and 3°, on the other hand, include an equal number of women and men.
Four vice-presidents are appointed from among the members of the college, including at least two from among the personalities mentioned in 2° and 3°.
In accordance with the procedures laid down by decree in the Conseil d’Etat, half of the college, with the exception of its chairman, is renewed every two years and six months.
III.-The term of office of the members of the college is renewable, subject to the seventh paragraph of II, only once.