1° A written statement or transcript of oral statements voluntarily submitted to a competition authority by a person mentioned in Article L. 481-1 or on its behalf, and helping to establish the reality of an anti-competitive practice provided for in articles L. 420-1and 101 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union and to identify its authors, with a view to benefiting from a total or partial exemption from penalties pursuant to a leniency procedure;
2° A written statement or transcript of oral statements voluntarily submitted to a competition authority by a person mentioned in Article L. 481-1 or on his behalf, reflecting his willingness to waive his right to contest the reality of the objections notified to him and the resulting liability, or acknowledging his participation in an anti-competitive practice and the resulting liability, drawn up to enable the Competition Authority to apply the procedure provided for in III of Article L. 464-2, or to the Minister responsible for the economy to apply the procedure provided for in the second paragraph of article L. 464-9 or the competition authorities of the other Member States and the European Commission to apply a simplified or accelerated procedure.
This prohibition also applies to passages in a document drawn up in the course of an investigation or enquiry before a competition authority and which would include a literal transcription or quotation of the statements mentioned in the preceding paragraphs.
The judge shall exclude from the proceedings the documents referred to in this article which are produced or communicated by the parties where these documents were obtained solely through access to the file of a competition authority.