1° Information prepared by a natural or legal person mentioned in Article L. 481-1 or any other natural or legal person concerned, as well as by the administrative authorities consulted by the Competition Authority, for the purposes of an investigation or enquiry conducted by a competition authority;
2° Information drawn up by a competition authority and communicated to the natural or legal person referred to in Article L. 481-1 or to any other natural or legal person concerned during the proceedings;
3° A written statement or a literal transcription or quotation of a written or oral statement, referred to in 2° of Article L. 483-5, where the person referred to in Article L. 481-1 who made the presentation has unilaterally withdrawn from the proceedings.
The judge shall exclude from the proceedings the documents referred to in 1° to 3° that are produced or communicated by the parties when the proceedings concerned have not been closed, where these documents were obtained solely through access to the file of a competition authority.