The caisses régionales de crédit maritime mutuel and the unions are set up for a limited period.
Their share capital is variable. It is represented by registered shares. It may not be reduced to an amount less than the founding capital, set by the articles of association at an amount at least equal to the minimum to which the regional caisses de crédit maritime mutuel and, where applicable, the associations are subject in their capacity as credit institutions.
The nominal value of the shares is set by the articles of association provided for in Article L. 512-73.
The amount of shares subscribed by the members referred to in 3 and 4 of Article L. 512-74 may not exceed half of the share capital. The Articles of Association may set a lower proportion.
A Regional Mutual or an Association shall not be definitively constituted until one quarter of the subscribed capital has been paid in.
Member-policyholders only bear losses up to the amount of their shares in the share capital.