By way of derogation from I of Article L. 5125-23, the pharmacist may dispense a comparable product by way of substitution for the product prescribed if the following conditions are met:
1° This product appears on a list, accompanied, where applicable, by conditions for substitution and information for the prescriber and the patient on the occasion of this substitution, set by a joint order of the ministers responsible for health and social security issued after consulting the Haute Autorité de santé ;
2° Where they exist, the conditions mentioned in 1° of this article may be complied with;
3° The prescriber has not excluded the possibility of this substitution by an express and justified statement on the prescription, taking into account the patient’s medical situation;
4° If the product prescribed appears on the list mentioned in article L. 165-1 of the Social Security Code, this substitution is made under the conditions provided for in article L. 162-16 of the same code.
When the pharmacist dispenses a product by substitution, he/she writes the name of the product he/she has dispensed on the prescription and informs the prescriber and the patient of this substitution.